The Editor: In Pakistan, child labour and household violence against children who work are still big problems. This issue needs to be fixed right away. Many families have to depend on their children’s work to make ends meet. It is due to the country’s social and economic situation. This keeps families in a circle of poverty and abuse. Also, these young workers can abused in many ways, including physically, emotionally, and mentally. This makes the situation of Pakistan’s most susceptible people even worse.
The Number of Children Who Work:
Even though laws have been passed to stop it, child work is still a problem in Pakistan. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) says that Pakistan has one of the biggest numbers of child workers in the world. With an estimated 12.5 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 working in different ways.
Children who work often do dangerous jobs like making bricks, sewing carpets, farming, and doing chores around the house. These kids often work long hours in dangerous places and don’t go to school. As well as they face major health risks, which slows their physical and mental growth.
Why children have to work:
Child work is common in Pakistan because of a number of things. One of the main causes is poverty. It forces families to depend on the money their children can bring in so they can stay alive. These children have a hard time getting out of poverty. As they can’t get a good education and don’t have many chances to learn new skills.
Also, working children exploited because of cultural norms, because child labour laws aren’t enforced well, and because companies don’t do anything to stop it. The problem made worse by the fact that people in the towns aren’t aware of how child labour hurts children and society as a whole.
Domestic violence
Violence and abuse are more likely to happen to children who work, especially those who work in homes. Most of the time, these children work as housekeepers, and their bosses hurt them physically and emotionally. Because they are weak and rely on their employers, they can be taken advantage of and mistreated.
Domestic violence against working children can come in many forms, such as beatings, mental abuse, sexual harassment, and not getting enough food or sleep. Most of the time, these young victims can’t get help or tell anyone about the abuse they’re going through because they have no support system and are afraid of getting hurt.
How it will affect children in the long run:
Child labour and domestic abuse hurt children’s physical and mental health in a big way and for a long time. Long-term exposure to dangerous working conditions slows their growth, causes long-term health problems, and shortens their lives. They can’t get the skills and information they need for a better future because they don’t go to school. This keeps the cycle of poverty going for generations.
Also, children who grow up with domestic abuse often experience trauma, anxiety, and depression, which affects their emotional and mental growth. Abuse can leave scars that can last a person’s whole life, making it hard for them to make good relationships and become useful members of society.
Getting to the Problem:
Pakistan needs a multi-pronged plan to stop child labour and family violence against children who work. Among these are:
Strengthening the law:
Child labour rules should be enforced more strictly, and new laws should be made to protect the rights of children who work.
Education and Awareness:
Getting the word out about how bad child labour and domestic abuse are, and promoting education as a way to give people more power.
Poverty Alleviation:
Putting in place successful programmes to fight poverty and get to the root causes of why families have to use children as labourers.
Rehabilitation and Support:
Setting up shelters and rehabilitation centres for abused children who have been saved, where they can get counselling and learn new skills.
Women’s Empowerment:
Giving women more economic and social power to break the circle of poverty and lessen the need for children to work.
Child labour and domestic abuse against working children are still big problems in Pakistan that need immediate attention from the government, civil society, and foreign organisations. It is possible to break the cycle of poverty and abuse by working together, giving the most vulnerable people in the country a better future. Everyone needs to work together to protect and care for the well-being of these young people, because they are the ones who will build Pakistan’s future.