Islamabad: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif blamed “political chaos” for Pakistan’s economic instability on 83rd Pakistan Day.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif asked the public to honour the country’s founding fathers while facing the nation’s issues.
Economic uncertainty and incapacity to determine game rules top the challenges. The PM stated political chaos explains why our economy has failed to develop sustainably.
Afterward, The premier said Pakistanis must “forge unity in our ranks, equip ourselves with national purpose. It is time to vow to wage a struggle in line with the legacy of our forefathers” to “achieve great heights”.
Moreover, Let’s take stock today. “Only nations that can analyse their past, learn from their mistakes. Nation which make amends can achieve true glory,” remarked PM Shehbaz.
“Muslim leadership was prudent.”
President Arif Alvi remarked on Pakistan Day that the persecution of minorities, violation of human rights, and brutalities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) prove that the Muslim leadership made a wise decision.
“This day also serves as a reminder to take stock of our successes,” stated President Alvi.
Pakistan’s post-independence “established state institutions,” “defence impregnable, achieved nuclear deterrence. Curbed terrorism, overcame the COVID. 19 Pandemic, and displayed the spirit of sacrifice and cooperation in the face of natural calamities,” he said.
Moreover, President Alvi said, “We still have a long way to go to ensure the rule of law, strengthen democracy, reduce inequalities in our society, empower women, provide the rights of persons with disabilities, eradicate terrorism and extremism, ensure the political and economic stability of the country, and protect the human rights of our citizens.