Webdesk: The news that former US president Donald Trump has been charged with paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniel has brought up a lot of questions, both about the case itself and about what the future holds for the controversial leader. Trump is expected to appear in court soon to answer the charges against him.
But one thing that confuses a lot of people is this: what’s wrong with paying hush money?
In 2016, it was said that Trump paid the porn star $130,000 to keep her quiet and keep her from talking about their relationship from 2006, which could hurt his campaign.
But the problem is not with paying money. BBC says that Mr. Trump is in trouble because of how that payment was recorded in his books. He is accused of lying in his business records by saying that the payment was for legal fees.
Michael Cohen, who works for Trump, paid Daniels. The US president gave his lawyer money back. But the payment record says that it was for “legal fees.”
Prosecutors say that this statement is the same as “falsifying business records,” which in New York is a “misdemeanour.”
In the city, committing a misdemeanour is a crime.
BBC says that there are two more charges that can be made against Trump. One is that the payment was made because Trump wanted to hide the affair from voters.
Also, making up records to hide a crime is a felony, which is a more serious crime than a misdemeanour.