Webdesk: Indonesians who live in Pakistan and other places around the world are getting ready for their country’s general elections. It will take place on February 14, 2024.
In this way, Karachi held an event to bring people together. The goal of the event was to make sure that a lot of Indonesians who live in Sindh vote in the election.
During the polls, people will choose the President. As well as vice president, and members of parliament for the next four years, from 2024 to 2029.
160 Indonesians who qualified to vote and registered as voter candidates came to this socialisation event. Most of them, women from Indonesia who married to men from Pakistan.
There were also people who had never voted before. These people are called children from mixed marriages who are 17 years old. Indonesian law says that any person who is 17 or older can vote in elections.
There are more than 50 mixed-race children of Indonesian and Pakistani parents. 26 of them have met the standards to vote in the next election.
In his opening comments, Indonesia’s Consul General Dr. June Kuncoro Hadiningrat said that every five years, elections show how democracy works.
He stressed that “every Indonesian voter should use the sovereign right to elect and decide the quality of future national leaders.”
Hadiningrat told the people there that all Indonesians who live in Sindh will be able to use their rights “by following the principles of direct, public, free, confidential, honest, and fair elections.”
The governor general said that a very high number of people from outside Indonesia voted in the last Indonesian General Elections in 2019. It was almost 96% of all Indonesians living abroad who voted.