Webdesk: Amitabh Bachchan, who blogs about himself, revealed actors’ worries when performing.
Big B says the character is always blamed on the actor. Nobody considers a character’s hard work.
“It is the easiest task for the outsider to put blame, non-performance, unethical attributes to the community of creativity,” wrote the Sholay actor. But what “creatives” go through to do the creative is hardly understood.”
“Most of the time created by someone else, who believes that you should justify it… Misery.”
Big B continued: “They live on presumption. We fear. We fear more than we think. It has numerous hidden sides. But why discuss? Take it, leave it.”
“Dissenters are often creative. Imagine what it takes to create animosity. To get so absorbed with it that you can shoot it off like an arrow from a bow or a bullet from a pistol.”
Dart it off understood the term better. The fun fair dart board for hitting the bullseye and winning a plush animal or bear. Few balloons. Soft reward for your victory.”
According to India Today, Amitabh Bachchan will star in Section 84, a courtroom drama.