Webdesk: On Friday, a group of Canadian lawmakers sent a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They expressed “grave concern” about what was going on in Pakistan. The group asked him to do something about the worsening human rights violations in that country.
The politicians are worried because the Pakistani government is still going after the leaders and members PTI. The home of PTI leader Imran Khan in Zaman Park, Lahore, violently searched twice. Khan said that the police have caught over 7,500 PTI workers, including women.
The letter signed by 16 members of the Canada-Pakistan Parliamentary Friendship Group. It talks about how important it is to have the right to peacefully protest. As well as how violent acts, arbitrary arrests, and the urgent need for fair trials in civilian courts.
Voicing concern for democratic ideals
As representatives of their constituents, including thousands of Canadians with Pakistani roots, the lawmakers emphasised how important democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of speech are in any society. They also stressed how important it is for Pakistan to stick to these principles without bending.
Worries about arrests made for no reason
Moreover, The Canadian politicians spoke out against all kinds of violence in Pakistan. They upset that innocent civilians, journalists, activists, and political leaders wrongfully arrested. Group bring attention to the fact that women and children targeted. They stressed how important it is to protect their rights. The lawmakers asked that people facing charges tried in civilian courts in a fair and open way. This would make sure that everyone gets a fair hearing and keep the legal system’s independence.
There are worries about Imran Khan’s arrest.
Moreover, The letter talked about a recent decision by Pakistan’s highest court, which said that the arrest of former prime minister Imran Khan was wrong and illegal. Even though the politicians didn’t say anything about whether or not the charges against Khan were true, they did stress how important it was that the court process be quick and clear, so that the independent legal system could do its job.
Democracy and human rights are important to Canada.
Canada and Pakistan have friends for a long time, so the lawmakers asked Prime Minister Trudeau to reaffirm Canada’s commitment to justice, freedom, and human rights, both in Pakistan and around the world. Moreover, They talked about how important it was for Pakistanis to be able to choose their own future through free and fair elections based on the rule of law and respect for human rights.
Keeping an eye on the issue and pushing for democracy
Moreover, The Canadian politicians promised to keep a close eye on the situation in Pakistan and keep fighting for freedom. They expected Prime Minister Trudeau to respond quickly and with substance, recognising that democracy and justice will win in the end.
The message from Canadian lawmakers shows that more and more people around the world are worried about the state of human rights in Pakistan.