Judge Qazi Faez Isa has declared that if he fails to uphold the Constitution, people can criticise him.
On Monday, the Supreme Court judge told the National Assembly’s special session celebrating the Constitution’s 50th anniversary that the country’s charter guaranteed free speech and journalism.
My institution defends the Constitution. I also swore to defend the Constitution. If I don’t, criticise me.”
Justice Isa stated on behalf of the Supreme Court that it “stood by the Constitution” during the session.
“The Constitution protects us after God,” he declared.
“This book is the identity of Pakistan and its people,” he remarked, praising the charter.
“As you are experts in politics, the law is my field,” he continued. “You can comment and criticise when you deem it right as you have done, and that critique was heard.”
The justice also discussed how the country’s three estates maintained balance.
Our job is to make Constitutional determinations swiftly. He said parliament and the bureaucracy should serve people through legislating.
Judge Isa added that he was impartial to the political conversation at the house and did not want anyone to misinterpret his attendance as his approval.
Before I came here, I was told there would be no political talk and only the Constitution would be commemorated. There were many political disputes, which you have the right to under our constitution.
I heard your discussion, but I don’t agree with it.”
“I’m here to celebrate the Constitution’s Golden Jubilee,” he stated.
He briefly discussed his father’s accomplishments and Pakistan’s founding. “I am proud that my father was a Balochistani member of the All India Central Working Committee and founded the Muslim League.”
Praised founders of the Country
Pakistan was the largest Muslim nation when Iqbal and Jinnah realised their objective.
“Unfortunately, we no longer have that status.”
He then analysed the effects of Governor General Ghulam Muhammad’s 1954 constituent assembly dissolution.
The Federal Court—now the Supreme Court of Pakistan—overturned the Sindh High Court’s decision.
“If we had stood by Maulvi Tamizuddin at the time when the courts had stood by him — and rejected Ghulam Mohammad’s decree — do you think we would have seen the divide we see today?” Justice Isa questioned, praising Justice Dorab Patel’s 1981 refusal to take oath under General Ziaul Haq.
He praised Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s Constitution celebration.
“We must cherish the Constitution,” he declared.
“Not because it guarantees my salary, but because it is necessary and protects our rights.”
The Judge then praised the House’s decision to teach the Constitution in schools and said individuals must grasp the Constitution to own the country.
Our Constitution guarantees information rights that other countries don’t.
He then underlined that he would preserve the charter and remain impartial to the House’s political deliberations.
“You may be brought before me tomorrow. In his closing remarks, he remarked, “Do not say I ruled against you despite being invited here today.”