Washington: As Pakistan’s Independence Day gets closer, an avenue in New York has been given the name “Allama Iqbal Avenue.”
Ambassador Masood Khan praised President Ali Rashid of the American-Pakistani Advocacy Group for his work to change the name of the street to “Allama Iqbal Avenue.”
Iqbal is a well-known figure around the world and a sign of Pakistani identity. He’ws the one who wanted the Muslims of the Subcontinent to have their own country.
“New York is the most famous city. Naming an avenue after our national poet would strengthen ties between Pakistan and the US. It’s now a source of pride for the Pakistani diaspora” he said.
He also praised Rashid for his hard work to improve relations between Pakistan and the US. As well as to teach more people in the US about Pakistan’s past and culture.
A statement from the Pakistani Embassy in Washington said that giving the same name to 109 Street and 101 Avenue in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York, is a way to honour Pakistan’s rich cultural history and give Pakistani Americans a chance to respect one of their country’s most important leaders.
Speaker of the New York City Council Adrienne Adams said, “Proud to celebrate 109th Street and 101st Avenue named Allama Iqbal Avenue.”
“Allama Iqbal known as one of the most important poets, scholars, and leaders of his time. His work and ideas led to Pakistan becoming an independent country.”