Webdesk: Critics are getting tired of the MCU, and the proof points in the same direction. The Secret Invasion series from Marvel, which was highly expected, hasn’t been well received.
The show, which has stars like Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, and Emilia Clarke, has gotten the lowest score from critics since Iron Fist on Netflix.
With 121 reviewers giving it a 63% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Secret Invasion is a long way behind other popular MCU-related shows like Ms. Marvel, Loki, Hawkeye, and WandaVision.
Even though the show is billed as a serious spy drama, it isn’t very good. The threat isn’t very interesting, and characters sometimes show up with green, scaly faces that are confusing.
Some of Marvel TV’s ongoing shows have been approved for more seasons, but others are still up in the air.