Webdesk: The Flash movie brought Kevin Smith’s infamous story to life.
Smith’s aborted Superman film is referenced by Nicolas Cage’s Superman fighting a big spider.
While, Kevin Smith says he’s spent 30 years referencing films. I’ve lived long enough that the films are starting to mention me.’
Moreover, Smith reflects on his initial reaction to the cameo and approves of the spider.
“Since 1997,” he says.
Moreover, Comic-book pop culture has adopted it. While, My Twitter has been lighting up for 24 hours, and people want my opinion. In a funny sense, even though I’ve been making films for 30 years and have my own profession, I feel like, “Oh, I finally made it.”
Kevin Smith, a film and comic-book lover, enjoys seeing his work acknowledged and being connected to the public.
“I’ll be honest, it’d be even better if they put me in the fucking things. That’d boost my brand. My gosh. Moreover, After seeing The Flash, Jason Mewes and I asked, “Why don’t they hire us to be the people Batman punches in the movie?” We know Batman! Can we connect that?” Jason always says, “I think they think we’re too proud.” Not us. “We want you to be in the movie where The X-Men punch you in the face,” I’d say.