Webdesk: US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller called for “respect and equal application of democratic principles. As well as freedom of expression and rule of law” in Pakistan amid political upheaval.
Miller said, “We call for the respect and equal application of democratic principles, freedom of expression. As well as rule of law around the world, and of course, in Pakistan we urge that these principles respected for all people,” in response to the crackdown on political workers and journalists after the May 9 protests.
Washington doesn’t “have a position on one political candidate or another” in Pakistan, according to the State Department official.
Miller also expressed remorse over the Hangu gas field terrorist assault and sympathised with the deceased families.
“We saddened by the devastating reports concerning the deadly militant attack at the Pakistan oil and gas facility. It killed four security troops and two private guards,” he stated, wishing the injured a swift recovery.
Miller said his country was also watching Pakistan.