Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar’s statement regarding relaxation in lockdown in Punjab said that the Punjab government has taken decisions by consensus with the federation and other provinces. It has been decided to allow construction-related industries and related shops to operate. From this week, more industries and related businesses will be allowed to open – pipe mills, ceramics, sanitary ware, paints, electrical cables, switchboards, steel, aluminum. Allow industries and shops to operate.
The Punjab Chief Minister said that hardware stores are also being opened. It has been decided to open small markets and small shops in the province. Small markets and small shops will remain open from Fajr in the morning till 5 pm. Will be closed for 2 days – 2 days closure will not apply to pre-opened pharmacies, medical stores, dairy shops, grocery stores, ovens and bakeries.
It has also been decided to open OPDs of hospitals, he said, adding that it was decided by consensus that educational institutions would remain closed till July 15.
Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said that the board exams have also been abolished. We have to give – the lives of the people of the province have to be made safe and the problems of the common man have to be solved. Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said that it is the responsibility of the people to implement the SOPs.