The Committee of SAARC Journalists Forum announced in the United Arab Emirates comprising of media personnel from eight SAARC countries. Today, Sunday, June 18, this full committee of SAARC Journalist Forum UAE Chapter consisting of 15 young journalists announced at a local hotel in Dubai.
SJF has opened new chapters in the Emirates as well as in various countries. It expressed the determination to work for the development of the country and society by organizing the journalists of the SAARC region working abroad. Meanwhile, apart from the SAARC countries, this Nepal-based international organization has continued the process of forming the SAARC Journalist Forum Committee.
Moreover, President Samsur Rahman Sohel, UAE Representative of My TV, Senior Vice President, Mozaffar Rizvi, Khaleej Times Representative, Mahiul Karim Ashiq, Vice President, Probas Mela Emirates Representative, and Sagar Chandra Swapan, Executive Editor of Dainik Bangla Odhikar, have been nominated.
While, General Secretary Fakhruddin Munna, Emirates Representative of JA TV, Joint General Secretary Q TV Emirates Representative. Sarwar Uddin Runi, Organizing secretary Rotaract. Sagar Dev of Daily Amar Somoy Emirates Representative has nominated.
Office Secretary Omar Faruk Hriday (Barta pratidin), Publicity Secretary Sagar Dewan (Dainik Sangbad Mohona), International Affairs Secretary Md. Pervez Alam (Daily Sorejamin barta). Member- Amirul Islam (Dainik Swadesh Bichitra), Mahmud Sajal (Swadin Desh TV), Md. Russel Ahmed (Daily Alokit Samkal), Yasin Al Amin (Tanmay) (Daily Crime Scene), Md. Shahriar Alam Joy (Daily Janata).
SJF President Raju Lama and Secretary General Abdur Rahman congratulated the newly formed chapter leaders of SJF UAE Chapter.
At this time, in a video message, the Secretary General of SJF. Abdur Rahman said, very soon, various chapters of SJF will be announced in England, Europe, Japan and Middle East countries. I wish the new committee success in the UAE.