Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. It is closely aligned with female empowerment – a fundamental human right that’s also key to achieving a more peaceful, prosperous world. According to my point of view if a women learn she can earn for this developing countries allocate budget for this by teaching girls about new technology and online earning platforms like Google and amazon where she can earn while sitting in her house safe, this lead her empower and more prosperous. A girl becomes a doctor, engineer, artist, actor, writer, producer, poet, politician, and army officer just because of knowledge and education, and she became powerful women someday because of this light.
Women’s empowerment and promoting women’s rights have emerged as a part of a major global movement and are continuing to break new ground in recent years. Days like International Women’s Empowerment Day are also gaining momentum. But despite a great deal of progress, women and girls continue to face discrimination and violence in every part of the world.
Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families, communities and countries. When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential. contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise happier and healthier children. They are also able to help fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large.
Gender equality is a basic human right, and it is also fundamental to having a peaceful, prosperous world. But girls and women continue to face significant challenges all around the world. Women are typically underrepresented in power and decision-making roles. They receive unequal pay for equal work, and they often face legal and other barriers that affect their opportunities at work.
In the developing world, girls and women are often seen as less valuable than boys. Instead of being sent to school, they are often made to do domestic work at home or are married off for a dowry before they are adults. As many as 12 million underage girls are married every year. While some progress is being made in various parts of the world, there is still a great deal left to be done to right the problems of gender inequality. A key part of this empowerment is through education. Girls who are educated can pursue meaningful work and contribute to their country’s economy later in life. They are also four times less likely to get married young when they have eight years of education, meaning that they and their families are healthier.
Every woman has the right to exercise her reproductive rights and to be protected from violence and harmful practices in both the development and humanitarian contexts. Pakistan Vision 2025 has embedded five components of women’s empowerment into its objectives, including activities that promote women’s self-worth, right to determine their choices, access to opportunities and resources, right and power to control their lives – both within and outside the home – and ability to influence social change. However, these still remain outside of the grasp of women in Pakistan as still women is oppressed by internal and external factors including family pressure of immediate members and relatives from husband side on the other hand by Boss and people around like peers and if at customer services then by customers. As I know many incidents where no one believes her emotions and conditions if anything happened wrong , the forces who enforce law & order situations (Police Department) even not registered her complaint and sometimes harass her to withdraw and if investigate then try to find her as criminal or involved in by self. In our society it is only statement that we empowered the women but as in ground reality it’s not true. Sadia an acid victim lady expressed her story that her husband involved in the whole incident but police and court give bail and released him from jail as evidence not confirmed against her.
Throughout the world discrimination and violence against women remain a scourge. In numerous countries, discrimination is inscribed in law, from criminal laws to laws on marriage, inheritance and access to property. Even in countries where women have obtained equality in law, discrimination continues in practice. Women are significantly under-represented in decision-making positions. Violence against women prospers, often fuelled by inadequate laws, obstacles to access to justice and inaction on the part of public authorities who tolerate such violations. The absence of adequate sanctions favors a climate of impunity which contributes to the repetition of these crimes.
Yet women are not only victims. Everywhere women are also the main actors in the struggle for emancipation. All these facts & figures showed how hard for women to live and survive in a society full of violence and fanatic religious people and laws made by society and men.