Karachi: This week, the Pakistani movie Noor had its first showing in Karachi at the Indus Valley School of Arts. It won the best health film award at Cannes for the online version.
Monday’s much-anticipated showing packed with people, including actor and director Umar Adil.
Moreover, Noor shows how people with vision problems treated in society. Through the eyes of an eight-year-old girl who wears glasses.
Many people touched by the movie. Then, during a question-and-answer session, the filmmakers talked more about the story.
While, It’s not a secret that people quick to judge people who have any kind of condition or are physically challenged in any way.
Instead of helping or assisting those in this situation, people tend to make fun of, mock, and otherwise treat them badly, making up their minds on the spot that people who don’t fit the tight box of normalcy are somehow less.
This movie does a beautiful job of showing just such a setting. The short film, which made by See-Prime, doesn’t have any music, comedy, or action scenes, but the interesting topic will keep the audience interested.
Farah Usman wrote the story, and not a single part thats unnecessary.