Webdesk: Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has declared that his party will “sweep” the elections regardless of his imprisonment.
The former prime minister told National Public Radio (NPR) that he doesn’t know if he’ll be disqualified, but that it “doesn’t matter” because he feels his party has a “unprecedented” popularity wave in Pakistan.
Khan, a former cricketer, was prime minister from 2018 to 2022, when a legislative vote deposed him. Since then, he has held nationwide protests calling for a fast election.
Shehbaz Sharif, his successor as prime minister, rejected his request and declared an election as scheduled later this year.
“Elections frighten the government. They’re afraid we’ll win the election. Because I survived an assassination attempt and am lucky to be alive, they are doing everything to get rid of me, including assassination “Khan—who survived an assassination attempt on a long march last year—said.
Khan said concerned about holding an election on time since the country’s two province governments dissolved within 90 days.
Freedom of speech
When asked what would happen if his party, the PTI, returned to power, Khan referenced the Opposition’s assertions that Khan repressed the media and other critics when he was in office.
“Steve, my three-and-a-half years were our most liberal. We never interfered with the judiciary, as was always the case. No media interference. We never had media issues—the army and army institution did “Khan replied.
He added that he and his senior leadership had cases against them within five months. “They’re sprinting between courts,” he remarked.
The journalist asked the former premier what his “attitude” would be towards his accusers if he returned to office.
Khan said his “strong view” that rule of law, not riches, separates affluent and poor nations.
“Rule of law countries thrive, whereas banana republics fail. In Pakistan, we fight to legalise the powerful elite “he remarked.
Khan said the rule of law holds lawbreakers accountable.