Webdesk: An Indian guy has developed a plant fungal disease for the first time.
The 61-year-old patient complained of a recurring cough, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, a sore throat, and fatigue for three months, according to doctors at the Consultant Apollo Multispecialty Hospitals in India, who published their findings in the journal Medical Mycology Case Reports.
The unidentified mushroom hunter no preexisting medical conditions that put him at risk. It is unknown when the incident occurred.
On him, doctors performed X-ray and CT scans. The chest X-ray readings were “normal,” but the CT scan revealed the paratracheal abscess in his neck.
Researchers emphasised that prior to this incident, there was no indication that this particular fungus might infect humans.
Because it reveals that a fungus can infect both “healthy and immunocompromised individuals,” this scenario “raises severe concerns.”