Webdesk: Young Guru is upset that Timbaland is going ahead with his “dangerous” plans to use AI to make music.
Jay-Z’s sound engineer talked about the producer’s plans for AI music on Instagram.
“@Timbaland I love you, sibling. I do, you know. But this isn’t it!” he wrote. “This is dangerous and, at its core, it’s stupid!! I will stand with the luddites.”
Timbaland told Forbes in an interview that he wanted to start a company to “commercialise artificial intelligence software” with the goal of “revolutionising how songs are made.” This sparked a reaction.
He went on to say, “It will really be a new way of making things and making money with less cost.” “I’m here already. I’m doing these things. I’ll show you the way.”
Aside from that, the 49-year-old is very against using AI technology in music.
The fake AI song by Kendrick Lamar recently went popular on the internet.
“This has been the most important thing in my Howard group chat for a few days,” the worker said. Ok, I’m at a point where I can say what worries me about AI right now. I’ve been following different ideas about what AI could do for a few years now.
“I didn’t think the voice would get us here so quickly. What can be done with programmes like Tacotron 2 makes me think about the moral and legal issues. When you add that to the power of ChatGPT, you can see that we are living in a very new and risky time. “It’s not the technology itself, but the bad things that people do with it,” he said.