Webdesk: The Danish charge d’affaires and a Dutch envoy were called to Turkey by the foreign ministry because extremist protesters in both countries are defiling the Holy Quran more and more. These protesters protected by freedom of expression rules in both countries.
Anti-Islam extremists have destroyed or damaged a number of copies of the Muslim holy book Quran in recent months. This has caused anger in the Muslim world. As well as calls for the governments of the Nordic countries to make this kind of behaviour illegal.
Reuters reported that Turkey has been very critical of these kinds of protests. Especially those in Sweden, which is waiting for Ankara’s approval to join NATO.
After this move by Turkey’s foreign ministry, there were a number of acts against Muslims in the Nordic countries.
At a protest outside the Turkish embassy in Hague on Friday, a Dutch far-right protester stepped on and tore up a copy of the Quran.
Before that, theres a lot of abuse of the Quran in the area.