Mumbai: (Web Desk) India’s largest helicopter factory was officially launched on Monday as part of the country’s push towards defence self-reliance. The new facility has the capacity to produce at least 1,000 aircraft annually and is a major step towards reducing India’s dependence on foreign countries for its defence needs. The announcement of the new helicopter factory comes shortly after India revealed a double-digit increase in its annual defence budget, with an eye towards countering China’s growing assertiveness.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke at the inauguration of the new helicopter facility, located in southern Karnataka state, and praised the country’s efforts towards self-sufficiency in the defense sector. “I am happy that hundreds of different weapons and defense systems – from modern assault rifles to tanks, aircraft carriers, helicopters and transport aircraft – are now being made in India,” Modi said.
The new helicopter factory, which has been dubbed as Asia’s largest, will initially produce Indian-designed and developed Light Utility Helicopters. The facility will eventually expand to produce other multirole helicopters as well. India’s push towards self-reliance in the defense sector has been gaining momentum in recent months, with the unveiling of locally made attack helicopters designed for use in high-altitude areas like the Himalayas and the introduction of the country’s first locally made aircraft carrier.
India’s pursuit of self-sufficiency in the defense sector is also driven by the country’s geopolitical rivalries. India has long-standing border disputes and has fought wars with both China and Pakistan, both of which are nuclear-armed. The country’s recent push towards self-reliance in the defense sector is seen as a response to China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean region.
In addition to its efforts towards self-sufficiency in the defense sector, India has made significant strides in enhancing its military capabilities. The country recently tested a ballistic missile from its first indigenous nuclear-powered submarine, making India one of only six countries with nuclear strike capabilities on land, sea, and air.
In conclusion, India’s unveiling of its largest helicopter factory is a major step towards the country’s goal of reducing its dependence on foreign countries for its defence needs. The new facility, along with India’s recent increase in defence spending, is a testament to the country’s commitment to enhancing its military capabilities and countering China’s growing assertiveness in the region.