New Delhi – The SAARC Journalist Forum held an online international dialogue to raise their voice against the atrocities faced by journalists in Afghanistan and to appeal to the governments of the SAARC countries to intervene. The conference, attended by journalists from various SAARC nations, aimed to shed light on the loss of media freedom in Afghanistan and to call for action to restore it.
Mohammed Graan, an Afghan journalist who is currently residing in Pakistan, spoke about the dire conditions faced by over 100 journalists who have fled to different parts of Pakistan. He expressed his worries and uncertainties about the future, highlighting the urgent need for a solution.
Another Afghan journalist, Khalil, who is living in Norway, expressed his concerns about the situation in Afghanistan and called for solidarity from SAARC journalists. He announced that he will be taking the issue to the Pakistani rulers and informing the Afghanistan embassy.
The conference also condemned the recent attack and murder of journalists in Maharashtra, India and demanded the implementation of a Journalist Protection Act. The dangers posed by the closure of newspapers and privatization in Bhutan were also discussed, with Rinzin Wangchuk from Bhutan pointing out the decline of media freedom as it shifts from government control to private ownership.
Amina Azizi, a female journalist from Afghanistan, expressed her fear that the current state of affairs in Afghanistan could lead to the end of female journalism. The SAARC Journalist Forum President (International), Raju Lama, wrote a letter to the United Nations, seeking their assistance in solving the problem faced by journalists in Afghanistan.
In India, the President of the Maharashtra State, Anil Sable, and the South India State Coordinator, Thillai Natrajan, along with the entire India State Unit, expressed their concern over the attacks on journalists in various parts of the country. The President of the SAARC Journalist Forum India Chapter, Anirudha Sudhansu, thanked everyone for their participation and pledged to continue the struggle for the rights of journalists.