Webdesk: NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured a supermassive black hole as heavy as 20 million sun-sized stars travelling at astronomical speeds that could reach the moon from Earth in 14 minutes.
Moreover, Hubble detected a 200,000-light-year-long “contrail” of young stars behind the uncommon, enormous black hole. This contrail dwarfs our solar system’s Milky Way galaxy.
While, Astronomers believe a strange push-and-pull between three supermassive black holes caused this cosmic predicament.
Moreover, Instead of devouring matter ahead, the supermassive black hole is crushing gas clouds to create new stars, converting a strip of space into a hazy nursery.
“We assume the black hole’s wake cools gas and forms stars. Star formation follows the black hole “according to NASA.
“It’s the aftermath. The black hole’s wake resembles a ship’s.” As the trail is roughly half as light as its home galaxy, it must have many new stars.
“This supersonic, high-velocity black hole impact shocks gas in front of it. Its mechanism is unknown “van Dokkum.
“This is pure serendipity that we stumbled across it,” van Dokkum said. He searched nearby dwarf galaxies for globular star clusters. “I observed a streak while scanning the Hubble image. I immediately thought, “oh, a cosmic ray hitting the camera detector and causing a linear imaging artefact.” We found it after eliminating cosmic rays. It wasn’t familiar.”